
christmas corruptions

:: the doves ::

why does the christmas season tend to bring out the worst in people?

bitchy people in lines at kmart.

driving skills go down the shitter.

tolerance and patience become temporarily extinct.

and to top it all off, my family has a ghetto christmas tree.

but in my mind:

"vive le vent, vive le vent, vive le vent d'hiver. boules de neige...."

so lets all smile to at least one person, let someone out/through while driving, and wish the cashier in the checkout lines a wonderful christmas, sincerely.

all while singing french christmas songs. :]

oh, and make sure your christmas tree is as non-ghetto as possible. ours is wretched enough to force santa into early retirement.
thanx for your cooperation.

lunaadored at 11:42 p.m.

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