
their same fate...

:: bright eyes ::

i haven't been up to much lately, not to mention, there hasn't been much to be up to.

i've started another book the budda of suburbia. its quite good so far. i've also been writing a bit lately. i'm trying, but its a bit more difficult than i'd like it to be. a bit from xdetailedx

I often find myself wondering about different things, and slipping in and out of various subjects. I�m the type of girl who sits in her car at stoplights, and watches everyone who drives past. I wonder what they are thinking about, and why. Do they know what they�ll be thinking tomorrow, and will they be bored when its the same thing?

I wonder if he knows that one hundred and sixty one seconds into track seven of his song, i cry every time. Or how I�d rather a lighter head. Then I start to ask myself if he, or others like him, even care or think of how much their music can mean to someone, anyone. If it were me on the other end, I wonder if I could sleep knowing that my voice and music is persuading others to cry, or laugh, or think, or wish, or believe, or understand....

lunaadored at 6:41 p.m.

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