
pom poms and the return of the drooling biology teacher

:: hot rod circuit ::

lake effect snow can bite me...

but, in other news...

i found out one of my ex boyfaces is dating one of my best friends from high school. it doesn't bother me, it was years ago. but it makes me realize that high school doesn't end. i heard it through gossip, like it was some big secret.

i've realized that all these people from my past are still the same. they haven't changed at all. same likes, same friends, same way of life. perhaps a different hair cut, car, or drug of choice, but no new mode.

for most people, the high school brain set doesn't seem to end, until maybe college. then college doesn't end until grad school, and grad school until you've landed a job, then that job until the next and so on until death.

and just possibly, you end up doing it all over. maybe life is just an in your face, gossiping, cliquey prat that you'll never get the hang of.

life's a bitch, then you're reincarnated.

way to be.

oh, and i'm going dancing tonite.

i will not be in the karoke bar.

lunaadored at 5:20 p.m.

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