
only time

:: desaparecidos ::

a lot has been on my mind lately. i'm not sure what exactly it is that is going on inside, but i am positive that something is.

i talked to one of my old friends this past weekend. used to be one of my best friends actually. its been years since i've seen him. years.

but according to him, "nothing has changed, only time." we were both quite intoxicated when we chatted on the phone, and i wanted to cry. everyone my life used to include was over at his house. i got to say hello to most of them.

i promised i'd call him this week and that we would hang out soon. i miss him. i miss them all.

things were so different in those days. remembering back, life was more simple, and consisted of duties i only thought about in junior high and high school.

i am a bit worried. i can say it has only been a couple of years, but years can move like lifetimes. he can say it's only time, but that is not all too convincing.

people change

lunaadored at 12:29 a.m.

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