

Its been such a grey day.

I had quite a few bizarre dreams last nite.

I went to the pet store and bought four little horses, Im talking my little pony sized. But two of them where connected, siamese twins thing, two heads, four legs, one body. Anyway, I let them run around my backyard, but I was afraid they'd get out the fence holes, so I put them in an aquarium type thing and filled it with grass...

I also had a dream about having this race against my brother and is friends, where we had to climb up this book shelf covered with spinning wood poles. The reward was all my old art projects. I won, and my art teacher from high school was giving the reward. But she didn't remember or understand me.

Dreams are quite odd sometimes, but I know they are the ways of communication for our souls etc.. and all that good stuff. But why not in plain English?

Then again, am I sure that I want to know what my mind is trying to show or say to me?

lunaadored at 11:30 a.m.

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