
The Knowledge and Advice of My Mum..

Today, I went shopping with my mum. Always a learning expierence I must say. I did manage to get her to buy me a new sweater and scarf, but with that came the lecture about wearing too much black. I will agree that my wardrobe does not contain a nice mixture of colors, and certainly no pastels as she would like to see, but black is my comfort color. I don't wear it because Im depressed, or because I'd like to be, or try to be Goth, but because Its comfortable to me. It puts me at ease.

Anyway, she gets on this gig of my lack of boyfriends. Im sitting there, enjoying some Arby's lemonade when she starts. I roll my eyes, and she lets loose.

"You're too damn picky Rachel, Boys you're age can't be all that bad. Now, I've seen a couple of good lookers around the town."

Please, I don't need my mother giving me tips on who's "hot" and who's not. Granted I haven't had a real boyfriend in a couple of years,but boys can be such a downer. And, my standards, as she says, are not all that high.

I would like to find a decent guy, with dreams of becoming something, just a goal, a respectable outlook on life, humorous, but able to be serious when needed, a bit shy, creative, and able to have good conversations. Now, Is that asking too much?

Most of the guys I meet, are either

1. Intoxicated, with something

2. On their way to get intoxicated

3. Talking about being intoxicated

or 4. Just plain act intoxicated

Now, I don't need perfection, I'm not perfect in any means. I don't do drugs, but I do smoke and occasionaly drink, but I do not live or thrive on it. I did, about 4 years ago. I suppose you could say I went through that phase earlier than most, so maybe thats what Im stuck with.

Upon telling my mother this, she actually tells me that I may just have to go back and relive that part of my life. She actually tells me that I could be a bit more daring and start drinking and smoking pot now and then. WHY?

"Because thats what people your age do, Rach. They party, they drink, they smoke some dope and then make out with other girls and boys..."

My mums a bit shabby on the advice department I think. Shes young, 40, but for Gumby and Pokey's sake! Thats a little far-fetched.

Im 20 years old, and she acts like Im 35 and will never be able to give her a grandchild. I do want kids, 4 actually, and she knows that, but she feels like Im just putting it off. I still want to go to school!

I do agree, its about time for me to get off my arse and go out for once. But with work and other things, I haven't got the time or enthusiasm to go party anymore. Its hard for me to admit this, but It would be nice to have a boyfriend.. So if you are or know any guys that fit the previously mentioned criteria.. lol :]

So, my day wasn't a total waste. I did get some new brushes, paint and canvasas. Plus, this new little watercolour pad thats so cute!

Well, that was my rant, for the moment anyway. I'll be back..


My Quote of the day:

"You spend your life losing your self, finding yourself, then losing your self again."

lunaadored at 10:34 p.m.

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