
flashing in my mind

Mood Music: Bjork - Vespertine

Dreams will always remain a mystery to me. I think Eddie Izzard has a good take on that confusion.

Last night, I dreamt that I was at a school, painted handprints and macaroni rings, so Im guessing kindergarten, first grade.

So, we have this break (from what, I unaware) so I go outside with a radio, and two candle holders. I light my candles, turn on the mood music, and I lay down in the grass. Then, the seasons keep flashing in my mind. Autumn, winter, spring, summer, Autumn, winter, spring, summer. I can see the landscape change around me.

The dreams that are so vivid, where you wake up wondering if you really do go places in slumber, are the ones that amaze me the most. I can still smell the grass, and feel the moisture on it. I can close my eyes and see the landscape, and my nose still burns from the cold air from the winter scene.

Also, I've found that my lack of color in dreams is diminishing. I find myself being able to recall small things in color now, and everything is no longer black in white. There was one red leaf in the moment of autumn.

lunaadored at 10:34 a.m.

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