
movie night

Currently singing along to: Death Cab for Cutie

So, a nite out..err..in with my little brother. We're having a pretty good time. We ordered pizza, bought soda, and are watching some movies. We finished SLC Punk, and I cried as always. Bob is such a sweet guy...

Then, Bill and Teds Bogus Journey, the sequal to the classic. Very excellent! :Insert air guitar here:

And now, we're moving on to Bio-dome.

Empire Records, Ghost World, and Dazed and Confused are still left in the queue.

I'm in a great mood tonite. Laughed harder than ever during Bill and Teds.. I just love the Grim Reaper.

Well, I should get back, I think we're going to bump empire up a notch, and I just can't leave Ethan Embrey waiting.. :]

lunaadored at 11:26 p.m.

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