
Into the sea, you and me

Listening to: The Cure

So.. yeah. What a day today. Woke up late, had a conference call for work, very ugh. There were just a bit too many problems at work, and I actually enjoyed the drive home. The long drive usually gets to me, because of the traffic. Yet, today, it was very relaxing. I zoned out and don't remember passing the broken stop sign, the cute house with a cow, or the vote republican sign. Hmm..

Now that I'm home, I feel very reserved. I want to stay within my self, lay down, stretch out and sink into my freshly washed blankets and never come out.

I finished reading Crooked. Wonderful, but somewhat depressing. The novel was a different world for me. Some place that I am quite unfarmilliar with. Tis a good read, so yes.. go buy, borrow, anything you need to do. You have my blessing. :]

I also started reading Perks again. I missed Charlie.

lunaadored at 6:44 p.m.

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