

Listening to: The anniversary

Sorry its been a couple of days, but aol was being mean to me.

Anyways, Saturday was a rather fun day. Work, unfortunately was slow. But afterwards, a couple of friends and I went out.

We went to diversions, which technically is a gay club, but lots of girls go so they can dance without being gropped by the random male.

So we go, and I forget my id, so Jacqie and I run back to my house, then return and happily find a much closer parking spot, and a free one none the less.

In we go. We find Kari and decided to go check out the karaoke bar. The book of songs is just huge, and Jacqie finds one she wants to sing, fills out her little card and turns it in.

There is this guy a couple of tables over, with long blonde hair, in an australian surfer sorta way. Kari leans over and tells me she thinks hes hot, and maybe straight. He gets up and goes to the mic, its his turn.

Now, I don't remember the song he sang, but I sure as hell wish he didn't have to include me in it. Sometime in the song, he comes over to our booth, leaning right on my side. I'm reading the book, laughing at the fact the have ini kamoze listed, when Kari and Jacqie start laughing. I feel someone pat my head, look up and there he is. He's singing away, replaces some words in the song and hence is my new nickname born. Cleavage. All throughout the song, to me, cleavage, cleavage, cleavage. Even in his next song. He even gets the crowd to applaud for me..

Now, I'm a shy person, I don't talk into mics, let alone sing in to one. Also, I'm the only girl at our table without visable cleaveage. All that I do have, which isn't much compared to the rather busty gals I'm with, is hidden under my shirt.

So, I'm sitting there, knowing that my cheeks are starting to match the pink pants that I'm wearing. And he just kept going.

After Jacqie sang, we decided to hit the dance floor. We're out there busting our moves, and Kari trails off somewhere. Me and Jacqie and dancing away when some gorgeous boy comes over and starts dancing with me. I've got a grin like never before. We keep dancing for a bit, then both go our ways.

A bit later, he sees us again, and rejoins our group for the rest of the evening. He is soo dern cute! Cute little cuffed jeans, black shirt, frumpy hair, eyeliner.. So we tell him. You are so adorable. He's a bit modest, then gives us hugs. AWWW...

There were so many adorable gay men there, it could just have driven me insane.

So I spent the nite drooling, and falling in love with random unattainable gay men with cute hair, deep eyes and cheeks with more glitter than mine.

At least I got away without being seen by the karaoke kids again. Cleavage... bah.

lunaadored at 11:34 a.m.

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