
dumb girls at work

Home from work, finally. Yet why is it that I still hear crying baby's, bitchy moms, and winnie the pooh songs in my head?

Right now is our busy season, I've just hired about 8 new girls. Most of them are really dedicated to their job, and Im sad that I can only keep two on staff. But why are some people so damn dumb? Im sorry, but when you can't speak at least decent proper English, or understand simple ideas, it can become a problem.

There are two girls in particular.

Girl #1.. "So who's getting thier pictures tooken?"

Me- "Its taken, hun, getting portraits taken." Customer comes up to counter with little girl..

Girl #1.. "Hi sweetie, are you getting your pictures tooken today?"

Girl #2.. "How much are proof sheets again?"

Me- "They are 5.99 with a custom sitting, 14.99 for a package."

Customer asks about proof prices.

"Girl #2... "Proof sheets are 7.99 for a package, and 14.99 for a custom."

I wish, that as employers, we had the ability to request Elementary school report cards. Tooken?

Anyways, I just made a survey, so what are you waiting for? :]

lunaadored at 6:10 p.m.

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