
sleeping in..

Current Musical Entertainment: duncan sheik

I love Mondays, but only because they are my day off. I slept in today, and didn't get much accomplished. Normally, I detest the feeling of doing nothing productive, but I suppose I just needed it this time. I did shower, and go pick up my brother and his friend from the skate park. Plus, I bought them each a soda, and me some tea and cigarettes. So, I could justify that I did do something..

I also called work today, just to check up on the new trainees my assistant manager is handling. I found out that my regional manager called and told her that we were doing < Insert long, repetitive, boring and useless list here > wrong. Most of which are technology errors, the rest, customers who forget they made apointments with us and never show up.. So, all in all, I can't wait to go to work tomarrow morning. Yeah.

I finally got my new cd's in the mail today. Thirty two dollars fo twelve new cds. Extra large grin. The cure, modest mouse, oasis (with talk tonite!), joy division, french kicks, the walkmen, the strokes, duncan shiek, plus bad religion, the clash, the smiths, and goldfinger for my brother. Im pleased.

Tomarrow night, there is a full moon, or wednesday, depending on the calendar you have. Im excited. Plus, in the morning, there is a meteor shower. I love full moons. I can think much more clearly and tend to focus with ease. Maybe I shall do some meditating, get some things in order.

Also, I've been playing around with the look of my diary. I found this template, from lucky design. I'm content at the moment.

lunaadored at 09:07 pm

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