
I love...
* Warm bubble baths
* Bath salts
* Candles
* Reading
* Autumn
* Lip balm
* Going to Stratford
* Sunsets
* Sunrises
* Stars
* The Moon
* Watching good films alone
* Crying during the film
* My djembe drum
* The way my brother tells stories
* Making things
* Buying new purses
* Newsies
* warm socks
* The feeling of grass on barefeet
* Thunderstorms
* Holding hands
* The wuzzles
* Shells
* Traveling
* Europe
* Francias
* My ferrets
* Elijah Wood
* Poetry
* Writing
* Knowing things that others do not
* Mambas
* The smell of Aussie hairspray
* Bebe lotion
* The way Claudia talks
* Photography
* The way my dog sleeps right next to me
* Mittens and scarves
* Writing and recieving letters
* Snow falling on my eyelashes
* The smell of curve for men
* Anything Victorian
* Antique shops
* Taking my brother shopping
* Giving things away
* Juice Boxes
* Baskets
* Peacock feathers
* Ren. Faires
* Faeries
* Painting
* My neice
* Watching my brother skateboard
* Going to the drive in
* Green eyes
* The smell of coffee
* Italian sodas
* My brother's smile
* Glow in the dark stars
* Journals
* Snow storms
* Apple scented anything
* Sending out birthday cards
* Learning about other cultures
* Address books
* My eiffel tower clock
* My old friend Marty
* Flying in planes
* Rollercoasters
* Sleeping on the beach
* Pretty in Pink's
* Going to shows
* Listening to Duncan Sheik
* The taste of the coating on advil
* Black Sweaters
* Fred Astaire
* That 70's show
* Boys with curly hair and glasses
* Remembering my dreams
* Meteor showers

I do not love..

* My job (most of the time)
* Mean people
* Expensive clothes
* My town
* Backstabbing friends
* Rap music
* Jennifer lopez
* Obvious Ignorance
* The color yellow
* Most modern art
* Rooster wallpaper
* The mall
* Mountain Dew
* Nike shoes
* Burnt toast
* Sugar free kool-aid
* My feet
* Losing my keys
* Forgetting things
* Living so far from my father
* Having debt
* Chalkboards
* Spiders
* Snakes
* The American Pie movies
* Accidentaly shrinking my sweaters
* Having to spend so much money on gas
* Sleeping with a blanket over my head
* Having to get up early
* Being Interupted
* People who constantly change thier minds
* Wearing shoes
* Horror movies
* Being forgotten
* Losing my sharpies
* Being sick
* How expensive Disney is
* How my computer doesn't like zac much
* People who drive while on a cell phone
* Living at home
* Mildew
* Not getting my way every once in awhile
* My work clothes
* Eminem
* Pagers
* The smell of pepsi
* My car getting stuck in the snow
* Dull pencils
* Losing my lighters
* Losing bobby pins
* Onions
* Not being able to finish a book in the same day i started it
* Being clumsy
* Being scared
* Losing my voice

lunaadored at always

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