
hungry hungry hippos

Current words of wisdom: duncan sheik

Driving with the windows down, listening to Duncan Shiek (I've been in the mood lately) loud enough for others to hear, and going 80mph is quite refreshing.

But now, I have a bit of the sniffles. I suppose it was not such a brilliant idea in 30 degree weather. Hmm.

Other than that above, there are so many things I would sincerely like to accomplish in life. I want to quit my job, and do something on my own. I want to go back to college, I want degrees in lots of things :], move out of my house, and out of the state, out of the country. Get married, have children. Etc..

And at one point, I thought I had forever, and soon after, I realized that I do not. I ended up in this repetitive situation, and no matter how unhappy I am, I find security in it.

I have bills that I slave to, as well as a job. Leaving all that sounds so heavenly, but it is rather hard to imagine doing so.

So today, I made up my mind. I am going to make every effort I can to improve my current position in my life. I would like to pay off some debt (evil, evil credit cards, ignorant, ignorant me), and possibly start building another form of income. That should help a bit.

Plus, I'd like to find time, not to mention a bottle of vivarin for all of this, to get some art projects off paper and well... onto canvas and paper.

If anyone has any ideas and/or suggestions for proper and successful time management, please feel free to drop me a line or two.

I'd also like to play monopoly again. Haven't done that in ages. Or hungry hungry hippos perhaps...

lunaadored at 12:09 am

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