
a road less traveled by

Anthem of the moment: Rufus Wainwright

Intresting to look at the past. This is the first entry from one of my journals four years ago:



I begin this with an intent of providing myself with a reference to my inner self. To put my emotions into words so I may reflect back and learn from my past, to learn about me, the things I have yet to discover, or meerly have overlooked.

Sometimes I become so drifted from who I truly am, and frequently get lost in who I am trying to be. I tend to often get caught somewhere between critisism and perfection. I see the world through acusing eyes while trying to perfect my own faults.

Yet, maybe they are not faults. I could just accpet them as a part of who I am, a simple characteristic. Would the world actually be perfect lacking imperfections?

Some people say that it takes a lifetime to learn a perfect lesson. I beg to differ. I've learned that you do not need to be amazing at something to succeed at it. It is not all about talent, talent alone will not provide. But, passion, your pure and vibrant love of something will.

Frost may have taken the road less traveled by, and Im pleased that worked for him, but I just cannot see the same working for me. I need to make my own path right now. I can't walk in footprints anymore, no matter how faded they may be. I need to step off the trail and keep my passion. My dreams were not inspired by talent, so why should they become my reality because of it? *

Its rather humourous to look back four years ago. I was still in high school, had a different set of standards for myself as well as humanity. Its like reading the diary of a different person, some girl who thought she had no clue, but in reality, had almost won the game.

lunaadored at 11:19 p.m.

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