
four letter granny...

Listening to: Death Cab

So, I started the book last nite, and I finished the book at three a.m. I knew it, someone should have warned me. I was rather sleepy when I got up for work this morning.

After wanting to go home all day at work, I went home, then went out for coffee. I was meeting my lovely dear, Jen, but went a bit early to fit in a couple more chapters of Crooked. And again, I couldn't stop. I'm sorry Jen. Its a good book! And I've heard all the stories about you at Fest and your books so there!

The book I finished is Number Six Fumbles. It was pretty good. Not the best, but not too shabby considering I finished it in one nite. It didn't go the way I wanted it to though. I kept wanting the character to fall in love with this one guy, and she just would not!

Crooked, on the other hand, is very intresting so far. It deals with a girl, just out of jail after three years, and fresh back into the world. The story tends to develop as the situations relating to past events occur. You keep reading to find out whats happening next, and what happend before. I enjoy Luna's writing style.

Christmas better pick up the pace. I've got a couple of more chapters on this doll, and I'm out. I plan on reading Perks again, but until Christmas rolls around and I get some more books to read, I'm not sure what I'll do.

And thank you all for the loverly reccomendations. Being the List person I am, I fancied them all out on a sheet of paper, and divied them out to random family members as ideas for Christmas. I also kept a copy for myself, incase they loose their minds and I end up getting Beauty and the Beast sweatshirts and what not. (Im serious...)

My grandma is such a funny lady. I gave her my list with 'The Fuck Up" on it. She looked at me a little puzzled, then I offered to come up with something different. I can just imagine her at the bookstore, asking the clerk where she can find the fuck up book? But, she refused.

"If the bastard gives me any shit about the f word, I'll just tell him to fuck off. I'm not twelve years old, I can say whatever the hell I want."

"Damn straight!" I tell her.

Oh, how I love me gran. :]

lunaadored at 10:30 p.m

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