
oh my

Bumpin' to: the streets (so much fun!)

I recieved my goodies from amazon today! My jawbreaker cd, the streets, rufus, and my eddie izzard dvd. Finally! Im excited!

I've yet to finish my book yet, but I'm getting there. Lifes been busy lately. Work was insane today. Our regional manager granted us a little visit. She makes everyone nervous, and things always tend to go wrong when she is present. One of our cameras broke today, in an odd way. Always a pleasure.

I had class today as well. So straight from work to Jens, then off to class. The class I'm taking is called Seasons of the Soul, and today we worked on a meditation. It was wonderful, actually. I can actually go deep into it. I was telling Jen this, and she says, Oh were you the one snoring?

Oh my. I really hope not. Just thinking about it throws me into a fit of embarrassment. I've got an evil cold type thing right now, so I cannot completely rule out the possibility of it. I feel horrible. :hides my face in shame:

I'm going to go pour myself a glass of wine, and watch Eddie Izzard now.

lunaadored at 11:42 pm

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