
mindless, all mindless

:: mogwai ::

it is such a shame that television has become such an integeral part of our lives. i feel that televison seperates us from one another and converts quality time with loved ones into mindless company of just another human body.

so many of us cling to that soft hum of a t.v. that brilliant blur of light that sings us to sleep at night, the movement of colour that eases our mind and washes away all of our troubles. we slip into our lazy-boys and nestle down into our cushioned sofas as we put the events and people around us into the past and we focus on the events in the lives of joe and susan from our favourite series and the facination into that other world pulls and tears you from the reality that you�re truly leaving behind.

children form attachments at awfully young ages and continue to be taught by the words and actions of fiction (rather tasteless fiction) instead of learning by the example of their parents, who are often zoned into their own television shows just around the corner.

and that is what we�ve turned our entertainment into, a convenience, another machine to teach us how to deal with problems, how to interact with one another, how to dress, feel :: cue laughter ::, behave, and even what to purchase at the store... and this is how we deal with the world around us.

its so sad. i see it in my parents, who spend their quality time together in front of the tube, �sharing� reality shows, dramas and the events of families in other worlds whose lives seems ever so lovely and attainable. they fashion their own reality out of the world in the screen and then they go on pretending the view around them seems to glow just the same.

:: cue sadness ::


lunaadored at 2:15 a.m.

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